
Of all the breathing devices on the market that claim to improve your breathing, only PowerLung® places a stake in the claim and builds your respiratory muscles maximizing your breathing efforts.

What Makes PowerLung® Different?

Restrictive Resistance

Many competitors, like Expand-a-Lung, SportsBreather and UltraBreathe, use the restrictive resistance method, which is equivalent to breathing through different sized straws. Restrictive resistance is simply the method of restricting the amount of space for airflow.

This commonly used method has been proven to be ineffective, counterproductive and has been known to lead to negative effects.

Threshold Resistance

PowerLung®, however, uses a method called threshold resistance, which is equivalent to someone training or exercising with weights. Muscles are used to work against and overcome the weights and, by repeating this pattern, the individual’s muscles become stronger. As they become stronger, the threshold of weight is increased and the muscles continue to grow.

With PowerLung®, you work against a threshold of resistance when breathing in and out. PowerLung® has two cells: one designed to train the inhale and the other designed to train the exhale. Much like training with weights, both cells are adjustable to set your threshold of resistance in order to strengthen your respiratory muscles.

Threshold resistance training has been proven to be effective through numerous independent studies of PowerLung® devices.

Inhale-Only Breathing Devices

There are some products on the market that only supports inhale breathing. Considering the weight-lifting analogy, this begs the question of why would anyone train their muscles on lifting, but not lowering – decreasing their range of motion by half? Your expiratory (exhale) breathing is just as important as your inspiratory (inhale) breathing.

This is why Barry Jarvis, inventor of the PowerLung®, developed his breathing device. After using inspiratory-only training devices and restrictive resistance products, he realized neither was helping.

In the 1990’s, the England-based Powerbreathe group, produced a product to focus solely on inspiratory muscle training (IMT). One of its original founders stated: “Inspiratory and expiratory muscles can be specifically trained yielding improvements in both strength and endurance. The improvements in inspiratory muscle performance are associated with an improvement in the sensation of dypsnea, exercise tolerance, and quality of life. When the expiratory muscles are specifically trained, a significant increase in exercise performance has also been shown.”

The Powerbreathe provides resistance with the inhale; it does not, however, provide resistance during the exhale. Independent studies with PowerLung® have continually proven that expiratory breathing is just as important as inspiratory, even showing an increase in exhale muscle power by as much as 150%.